Diana Bright
Diana has been a member of the Jefferson Unitarian Church for 44 years. She was introduced to Unitarianism in 1980 by her husband, John K. Bright, who died 12 years ago. Her UU partner, Don Bishop, died three years ago. Diana is a healthcare professional with a MS Degree from CSU (Masters of Science in Human Nutrition), RD (Clinical Registered Dietitian), CCN (Certified Clinical Nutritionist, CLT (Certified LEAP Therapist), and CGP (Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner), specializing in delayed nonIgE food/chemical sensitivities, working part time in her retirement. When the opportunity arose to serve as a Spiritual Companion, she felt this would be an opportunity to help serve those in need to be heard and help them feel they are part of a loving, caring community. She is thankful for the Spiritual Care Training that was provided to learn the art of listening. She embraces and lives JUC’s Covenant: “Love is the spirit of this church and service is its law. This is our great covenant. To dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.”